students x students: The Student Publication for Getting Your Work Published

students x students
students x students
6 min readDec 21, 2020


Scroll to the bottom for the writer application!

Table of Contents


Welcome to the students x students publication! We founded this with the aim of providing a platform to uplift student voices and give them greater confidence and fulfillment in their writing. For more info, check this article!

Have any questions or concerns about publishing under students x students? Let this article guide you through the process of becoming a writer under our publication. Think of this article as an initiation process. Read the article, fill out the TypeForm at the bottom, and viola! You’ve just become a students x students contributor! Excited to have you! :)

Useful Links

A single word. A single sentence. A single article. That’s all it takes to impact millions, even billions, around the world. Whether it be in politics or science, articles and speeches can bend social norms, change political ideologies, or even uproot long-standing religious ideologies.

Take Martin Luther King, Jr. His “I Have A Dream” speech is arguably one of the most prolific writings of all time. What did it have that similar speeches did not? Aside from its passion and truth, it also had an audience that was willing to listen and a platform to express his ideas.

The students x students Mission: Getting Students Published and Developing Their Skills

Today, many student writers do not have the opportunity to be published and spread their work to a larger audience. Many who want to be published don’t have the ability to put themselves out there. We believe students should do so before life moves on to stages where putting yourself out there becomes more tiresome.

Our goal is simple:

Provide a platform to uplift student voices and give them greater confidence and fulfillment in their writing.

Our platform is for students, by students. We hope that the next generation of students can educate their fellow peers on topics as well as learn from like-minded individuals. By creating a safe space for students to publish their articles, we want to help students get their message out to the world at a level that wasn’t possible before.

We provide a unique opportunity for elementary, middle, and high school students to develop their skills and publish their writing on a reputable platform in an accessible manner.

We make it a purpose to uphold our five pillars across all of our articles for any student that publishes an article under us:

  1. Feedback: Giving constructive feedback on your articles to improve your writing skills and produce better content to publish on a large platform.
  2. Security: Enforcing a non-tolerance policy for bullying on our platform, while also emphasizing security while writing articles.
  3. Impact: Spreading your article as much as possible through our platform to make your article impactful.
  4. Strength: Fostering a strong community of like-minded writers and connections through our publication.
  5. Diversity: Curating a range of different topics to write on so that you can write whatever suits you and providing exclusive writing opportunities that are available to the high school community.

Why Join Us?

  • improve your writing skills with helpful feedback from our editors
  • join a community of other student writers
  • get your voice heard by publishing your writing on a bigger platform
  • support our mission of uplifting young writers
  • write for us with no required time commitment

Getting Published Under students x students

a. Categories

Our published content falls under five categories:

  1. Growth: Improving every aspect of your personal life with productivity hacks and personal introspection, as well as sharing personal stories about your experiences.
  2. World: Staying informed about current events in advocacy, sports, and the arts.
  3. Tech: Keeping current with the newest technologies and how they’ll impact our future.
  4. Miscellaneous: Anything that doesn’t fall into the three categories outlined above.

b. Requirements

Make sure to look at these requirements before applying to be a writer and publishing your story in our publication:

  • You must be a middle/high school student or an undergraduate in college at the time that you publish your article.
  • Your story must be written in English.
  • Your story must fall into one of the five categories outlined above.
  • Your story must have a display title, subtitle, and a featured image.
  • Your story does not include any adult content that isn’t something you’d expect a young student to read (limited profanity, no severe or graphic violence, etc.) This is as we cater to a mainly student demographic and we want to make sure they do not read anything potentially scarring or violent, not to censor your voice! Note — we strongly advise writers to add trigger and/or content warnings for potentially disturbing or upsetting topics.

Note: We will be adding a small section (1–2 sentences) at the bottom of each of the articles that you submit that talks about and links back to our publication.

Double Note: We value our time as well as yours, so when you publish for us and we ask you to change things, we request that you get back to us within 7 calendar days in order for us to publish it and keep our process rolling. Otherwise, we will publish it if it fits our guidelines, but it will not be featured on our publication home page. Don’t worry, because if you do get back to us after, you still will have the chance to be featured! Just make sure to get back to us :)

c. Tags

When you publish articles with us, there are a couple of tags you will have to add to your article.

  1. “Enjoy Writing”, our special publication tag!
  2. Dependent on which category you want your writing to be a part of…

Without these, your article will not show up in our publication even if we do publish it. So please, help us help you! :)

How Do I Start Publishing My Articles Under students x students?

Fill out the form below to write for us! Note that you must be a middle schooler, high schooler, or undergrad in college at the time you apply.

Apply below:

Share the application link with your family, friends, or classmates:

Note: There are no commitment times OR required amount of weekly content for you to write as a writer for sxs! But we do ask you to write a reasonable amount for our publication (use your own good judgment) for you to be considered a contributor. Try to stay consistent if you can! We have a large number of writers, to the point that you can write articles and publish with us whenever you’d like. However, we encourage you to set a goal for yourself (like publishing for us once a week, once a month, etc.)!

How Can I Be a Part of the students x students Community?

students x students is expanding with 250+ writers in over 10 countries! Be a part of the writer community by joining the writer Discord!

In the Discord, you can interact with fellow students in (and out of) the publication and keep yourself posted on students x students events.

Until next time,

The students x students Team

P.S. Interested in learning more about our team? → Check out this article for more information about our growing team of 15+ members!

P.P.S. Interested in learning more about why we formed a student-led publication for students to publish their articles? → Check out this article for more information!

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